Professor Ewing's fun fact: “I achieved the perfect golf shot: a hole-in-one. It was more luck than skill. My hundreds of bad shots through the years support this theory.”
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About Professor Ewing: Professor Ewing, JMC associate professor, teaches public relations courses and serves as the faculty adviser for the award-winning PRSSA Kent student group. Her research interests include internal communications, social media, student engagement and career preparation. Before joining the Kent State faculty, she was a vice president at Marcus Thomas, an integrated marketing communications agency in Cleveland. The Global Advertising & Public Relations course is Professor Ewing’s first study abroad experience.
Her previous international adventures include visiting Canada, Mexico and The Bahamas. Traveling to Europe and teaching abroad has been on her bucket list for numerous years. She wants to go to London to help students learn about global communications. Her professional goal is to help students become engaged learners, embrace professionalism and launch successful and enjoyable careers. If you have any questions about the Global Ad & PR course, or our journey to London in general, feel free to contact Professor Ewing at meewing (at) |