Our Big Wrap Up

By Karianne Johnsen and Julia Sprowls, International Wit
With today being our last full day in London, International Wit sat down to reflect upon our overall travel experience and the final research findings we’ve compiled throughout the semester. We wanted to share our final takeaways on how humor is perceived in different cultures and how it is used in advertising and public relation campaigns and strategies in the United States compared to the United Kingdom and Ireland.
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With today being our last full day in London, International Wit sat down to reflect upon our overall travel experience and the final research findings we’ve compiled throughout the semester. We wanted to share our final takeaways on how humor is perceived in different cultures and how it is used in advertising and public relation campaigns and strategies in the United States compared to the United Kingdom and Ireland.
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From Hear to London
Check out the full story here.
Tour Finalé

By Meghan Caprez and Rachael Denny, Anthem
If we’ve learned anything throughout the duration of our project, it’s that live entertainment is everywhere. It’s a common thread that ties the United States, Ireland, the U.K. and the world together. What’s different is how it is promoted.
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If we’ve learned anything throughout the duration of our project, it’s that live entertainment is everywhere. It’s a common thread that ties the United States, Ireland, the U.K. and the world together. What’s different is how it is promoted.
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Reflecting on Our Journey

By Kianna Bugglin, The Newish Gen
Well, Newish is reaching the end of an amazing journey. After extensive research and hard work in the U.S., Dublin and London, it’s sad to see this project come to a close. However, we wanted to share some key insights and takeaways that we’ve discovered about marketing to the millennial generation through our time working on this blog.
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Well, Newish is reaching the end of an amazing journey. After extensive research and hard work in the U.S., Dublin and London, it’s sad to see this project come to a close. However, we wanted to share some key insights and takeaways that we’ve discovered about marketing to the millennial generation through our time working on this blog.
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Top Five Key Takeaways
By Maddie Bensinger, A Herstory of Advertising
Here are my top five takeaways from my research and experiences thus far. Stay tuned for a final post about my trip!
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Here are my top five takeaways from my research and experiences thus far. Stay tuned for a final post about my trip!
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Why Go Europe

By Alisa Frye
Up to this point, my blog posts have been about a single travel campaign from either Ireland or England. As I reach the end of my research, I find it is necessary to discuss the differences and similarities between the two countries and the details behind their campaigns. Both countries have produced successful and memorable travel campaigns; however, both countries practice different strategies for public relations and advertising campaigns.
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Up to this point, my blog posts have been about a single travel campaign from either Ireland or England. As I reach the end of my research, I find it is necessary to discuss the differences and similarities between the two countries and the details behind their campaigns. Both countries have produced successful and memorable travel campaigns; however, both countries practice different strategies for public relations and advertising campaigns.
Read more here.