A London PerspectiveThe first time I visited London was about three years ago. Returning is something I dreamed of but never figured the possibility. My first time, we spent the short weekend in September doing every tourist activity imaginable: Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, London Eye, Shakespeare Globe, Millennium Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Abbey Road, Harry Potter King's Cross, Camden Markets, The Tower Bridge, plus even saw a Wicked in The Apollo Victoria Theater. We did it all! But when thinking about returning, let alone for two full weeks, my mother even asked -- what else there was to do?
But instead of thinking about what else was there to do, I started to think -- why else would I return? The first time I went, I was looking for adventure and excitement. This time, I am still looking for that excitement but also to gain more self confidence. London is filled with confidence. The city itself exudes self assurance with its driving "European style" on the opposite side of the road, people minding the gap with great force, monuments staying risen for over centuries, and queens living to rule until her dying breath. There is no better city to gain a new perspective on how to live than London. Three days and London met my expectation. This time, three days and London has exceeded every expectation I made and I still have 12 days to go. |